
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Itchy Fingers

For better or worse, I ended up at Rachel Griffith's blog, p.s. i quilt, and read about Hope Valley, a fabric line by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit. 

I have seen this fabric line a few times before, but this time when I saw it I got itchy fingers.  You see, this time I saw the fabric, I had a quilt that is in the works that needed just the right fabric.  Also, this time when I saw the fabric I overlooked the orange and bright pink.   

This time when I saw the fabric, I got itchy fingers.  Do you know that feeling?  I'm sure I'm not alone.  It's that feeling that the stars have aligned, that the perfect fabric has been paired up with the perfect pattern and you just can't wait to get started.  You get that, "I need that fabric NOW!" feeling that doesn't pass until you have the fabric in your fingers (or at least on its way to your fingers). 

Thank goodness there are quilt shops that are open at midnight.  I ended up at Pink Chalk Fabrics where I could buy the fat quarter bundle without the orange and pink.  The other good news -- I am in Utah, and they are in Washington so I should have Hope Valley in my hands tomorrow! 

It all my fingers fault.  When they get itchy, I can't wait to get to my sewing machine.  Thanks a lot Rachel -- for giving me the itchy fingers!


  1. Great fabrics. Thank you for sharing. I had not seen them yet

  2. just doing my part to stimulate the economy...
    one peer pressured friend at a time.

  3. and that is why I have a ton of projects waiting to be started. My fingers itch more often than I have time to sew...

  4. Love to know that I am not alone! I seem to look at yours and other blogs and get these great ideas very late at night!

  5. Yes, thank goodness there are quilt shops open all night long. :) What would we do??

  6. I totally did that last week-- see what I snatched here:

    and i love denise-- so all if forgiven for those itchy fingers :)

  7. Your blog is great. I like to read all your news. I'am living at Leiden the Netherlands and invite you to my blog

  8. I know just what you mean! I bought a FQ of each fabric in the line at one of my favorite shops. Then I got to thinking . . . "What if I need more and someone else has purchased all of the FQ's?" I went right back and bought another bundle.

    I might need to seek help at a Fabricaholics Meeting or something? LOL!

    I enjoy your blog and your books! I love the seasonal charm book.
