
Friday, April 16, 2010

Paducah -- Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Toward the end of last year I thought I should go to Paducah.  Non-quilters first ask, "Where's that?" and then, "Why are you going to Kentucky?"  How does everyone not know that Paducah is the Mecca of the quilt world?  It is my turn to go on a pilgramage to Mecca. 


Planning the trip was a little more difficult than I thought.  First, in order to make the trip, my family needed to come.  (Can't be gone that long from tiny ones.)  So the first of the year my husband got the time off.  Then we found out that vendors aren't usually accepted the first year they ask because so many want to be vendors. 

My husband kept the dates open, but the trip was off.  Then there was a cancellation.  Yippee!!!  The trip was on again.  But with the trip off, lots of other stuff was happening.  Suddenly I am leaving tomorrow.  Ahhh!  Not ready.  Not ready.  Not ready. . . .

Quilts -- check.  Some aren't bound yet, but I thought you would like to see new ones anyway!
Signs -- check.  And they are cute.  Yeah!
Rubber bands -- check.  Why rubber bands?  It is just something that you always need for some reason, like pins and scissors.
Books -- check, almost.  Gotta get them packed still.
Clothes -- still in the closet.
Project A -- postponed.
Project B -- half done, postponed.
Project C -- crossing my fingers it doesn't need to be done yet.
House clean -- not gonna happen.
Sanity -- it's in Mecca.  I have faith I will find it there.

I know there are a few questions that need to be answered, so here are the answers.  I will leave the questions to you:
  • We are driving.  Yes, the whole family. 
  • Booth 4518 in the pavillion.  Please come and say hi!
  • and last, but not least -- the post for block 5 was just scheduled, so it will appear as it should.  (I even scheduled it for 1:00 a.m. for you early birds or early time zoners.) 


  1. Good Luck - what a rush - but then I am sure it will all come out in the wash!
    I have no idea how far you are driving - but I hope the rest of the family sleep - apart from the driver of course!

  2. Peggi & I are making the trip to Paducah too - we'll stop by your booth!

  3. Hey, thanks for the heads up, I'll be by to say "HI"!

  4. Oh, have a wonderful trip. I live in Kentucky but, alas, have never been able to go to the show. (Tears running down my face). Enjoy!

  5. Good luck! I wish I could come to see the whole thing. So someday...

  6. Ha first worry was about Block 5. You calmed that one.

    Some of my co-worker went to Paducah on a response soon after I started quilting. They said "Gene should have come on this trip!" they went right past the museum. (sigh! someday)

  7. oh wow... gald you eventually got to go.... have fun... if you see two australians from Adelaide names are Carey and Judy( he will have a funny hat on), give them a hug and say hi... there going to visit... on a tour bus... can't wait to hear from them and you..
    Hugs Dawn x x x

  8. Best of luck! Sure wish I could be there to stay "Hi"!

  9. Lucky you -- have a great time!

  10. Good luck and have a great time! One day I too will make the trip, but I know how it is! Minneapolis Market for me this year instead of KY. It is lovely there you will love the green all around you. Good luck with the book too and I am so glad to hear you got in. Good for you!

  11. Good luck and enjoy. It will be a crazy, wonderful, tiring experience.

  12. Good Luck in Paducah! I hope your family trip goes smoothly and the show is a success. It was nice to meet you Sunday as you traveled through Kansas. Have a great time.

  13. have fun! haven't been either....yet :)

  14. Have a nice trip,drive carefully and don`t buy the whole shop!!!
    Lucky you - Enjoy it all :-)

  15. Safe travels to the whole bunch!! See you soon.

  16. Stopped by to see you at you booth! I apologize though I did not stay longer and chat! Bad with crowds lol Glad you were able to go though! Glad I got to meet you! :D Hope all you days there were good! Hope you also had a chance to walk around and see things yourself too! :)


  17. HOpe it all went well for you. (And I, too, am glad you thought ahead about Block # 5....LOL)

  18. It was great to meet you, in Paducha. I was the crazy woman in the Alabama jacket. Thanks for the picture and I did post it on my blog. LOL Happy quilting, Pam

  19. It was wonderful to meet you at Paducah. Hoping to see some of your $3 yardage finds from Hancock's. That was a price that was tough to beat!
