
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Homemade Christmas Part II

This one's for the little girls.  My two babies are 2 and 4.  They like their baby dolls.

I saw this:
and knew I had to do it!  Thank you Vanessa for all these great ideas!

I was frantically putting it all together Christmas Eve, so I didn't get a picture of it all put together.  I got my diaper bag at Michaels.  It's the exact one Vanessa has.  The nice thing about the Target set she mentioned is that it has enough for two bags!  I didn't get the wipes or changing pad.  I got them a onsie for their dolls instead.  I was hoping that a onsie would stay on.  Are my kids the only ones that are constantly taking the clothes off their dolls?

Here are my quilts - which I love!

They are both mini.  The triangle quilt is about 13" x 18," and square quilt is about 16" square. 

Did you see the color scheme?  Aqua and Red!  I stepped out of my box.  They turned out fresh and cheery for my babies to play with their babies!


  1. The quilts are precious! And the color choices are perfect for your little girls. Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you for my prize which arrived this morning. I was expecting a pattern and was surpised by the book. Thank you, I am enjoying the stars.

  3. I really love those colors!! - Margett
