
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Brown Bag Quilt

I finished this year's Brown Bag Quilt a week or two ago.
You can read about past year's quilts here:
Last year I loved the quilt I made. I wanted to love this one too. I was inspired by my friend's churn dash quilt and wanted to make one like it.
This is what I ended up with:
I am sad because I don't love it.
I think it would be better if it had more blocks, but I was tired of it by this time. I didn't want to spend more time with it.
I also wonder if the fabrics weren't crazy enough. I think I'm too close to these fabrics. The fabric in my friend's churn dash were older than I am, so it is a crazy that I like rather than a crazy that I don't like.
And I should have taken out the shamrock square - or cut it up. It is like my three year old child. It demands my undivided attention.
It was still a learning experience. I like the brown bag challenge for that reason. I experiment. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don't.


  1. You know, they say that if we trade scrapes with our friends... we will like our quilts a whole lot more! Seems we loose interest in our own "old" fabrics. Try trading with a friend... maybe a brown bag trade? Mixing with what you have will help!

  2. "It is like my 3 year old child. It demands my undivided attention." I love this comment as I have a 2 year old and I have one of those blocks in my recent quilt too. :) But the great thing is no one else ever notices how annoying they are! The quilt blocks that is...

  3. How disappointing for you! It's funny, though...when I look at that picture I see a little child cuddled up with a picture book and a sippy cup of (cooled) hot chocolate. Maybe you can donate it to a foster care organization. Or buy a little picture book and wrap the two up together and donate to a local Christmas charity. I did that last year with a little quilt I made. I wrote "for a 2-3 year old" on the tag and put it in the collection box. I hope the book and the quilt were well loved by some very small person.

  4. I like it, maybe if you put sashing inbetween squares it wouldn't all blend together. Each square is nice by themselves. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I agree with Bonnie. I think the squares are terrific, but maybe with sashing or some open blocks, it might work better for you.
