Click here or on the picture of the block below for the link to the pdf that contains the directions to create block #1.

After you make your block, upload a picture on our new flickr group here, or use the link on the right side of the blog. I can't wait to other blocks besides mine on the rotating flickr badge.
Why do you want to post your picture? Because we all want to see YOUR block! Okay, another reason is because that picture enters you into the next drawing. So there is one rule about posting pictures:
Rule 1) Post only one picture of each block.
That's the only rule. Any blocks posted before the deadline will be entered into the next drawing. Any blocks posted after the deadline will be entered into the next drawing.
Are you ready for the first drawing?! I will post winners tomorrow. Sorry. I couldn't stand winners being hidden at the bottom of a post, and I couldn't stand posting twice in one day.
We have two great prizes for tomorrow (for anyone who has sign up to play along by today):
Prize 1) A Jelly Roll courtesy of Fat Quarter Shop.
Prize 2) A quilt book, Simply Charming Fun, courtesy of me.
Yeah! Start sewing today and stay tuned tomorrow . . . .
Do you have to have your blocks finished by tomorrow to be in the tomorrow's drawing?
No no no, you have two weeks to make the block. Tomorrow's drawing is just for those who are signed up to participate.
I can't wait to start this!!! The first block already looks like fun to make. It is the first time for me to work with a jelly roll. How exciting is that, to use it this way!
I believe I did sign up someplace--but just encase--I am in!!! Nice block--can't wait to do mine--wonder what Number it is on my to-do list!!!!
Hugs, Di
Fun block! Thanks for doing this BOM! I am off to sew~~ :-)
I'm sure I signed up, I've posted the button to my blog already :) Great giveaway!
What great jelly roll are you using? Can I copy?
I am using Attitude Girls by Mary Engelbreit for Moda. Of course, you can copy. I have a feeling that there will a lot of blocks that people will be wanting to copy. The best part of a quilt along is seeing everyone's fabric choices.
I've been eagerly awaiting this block and cant wait until I get home from work and put by 2 1/2 year old to sleep so I can start cutting pieces!
I also can't believe someone has already posted their completed block to the site!
I'm excited -- can you tell?
whew! I thought I had to have the block done today too!! hehehe. I do have today off, so I don't have any excuses :)
I did sign up for this a while ago... but here I am again!
Can't wait to start.
The first block was fun to make. It's going to be hard to wait 2 weeks for block 2. Can't wait to see everyones blocks. I've already posted. (Over Achiever thats me)
What a cute block! I can't wait to get home and get started!
oh yay!!! off to do this now, where did I put my jelly roll then.... somewhere safe just for this project!!
I signed up but never heard, so I guess I'm in! Of course, I do miss a lot! LOL. Like how your block turned out. That is a cute line. If you want to use fat quarters, will it work for the remainder of the blocks?
I want to quilt along if I can get this comment to post. I might have more than one posted...grin
I was shy at first about signing up for this quilt along, mainly because I have 4 quilt top in the qorkd right whats one more quilt?
This is me saying I'm officially signing up for the jelly roll quilt along...I have enough jelly rolls to choose from, may as well get rid of one by making it into a quilt.
I have a question. Is the Background fabric for the block supposed to be cut from background/sashing fabric listed in the supplies needed or is it from a strip? looks fun...thanks marcus
I posted my block on flicker....thanks so much, this was a fun block, if you look close enough on mine...I made a boobo in my cutting, don't know where I went wrong but oh well....just an extra seam in two places...thanks again.
If you didn't my sign up before, I will sign up again here.
Cindy C. and my blog is:
I am going to use my jelly roll called Gobble Gobble from Sandy Gervais by Moda.
Thank you for this block. I have posted a photo. This is fun.
I'm brand new to quilting so this might be quite a challenge, but I'm on board. I'll be using the Frolic by Sandy Gervais jelly roll.
I'm sure I signed up, but just in case signing up again!
Is there a list to be found with everyone who signed up?
Anyway for the record: I'm signing up and my block is on Flickr right now:) Did you know uploading took me more time than sewing? LOL!
Yay!! Let the fun begin!!!! I have your button on my blog and bought my jelly roll... now off to sew!!!
I'm pretty sure I signed up before, but just in case I didn't, I'm in.
I chose a Mary Engelbreit jelly roll from her Recipe for Friendship line :) I have my block made and photo posted. This is going to be soooo much fun. Thank you very much for this.
Terry M in Indiana
I made my block and posted! YEAH! Thanks!
I decided to use Strawberry Lemonade which has been marinating in my stash for nearly 2 years.... Can't wait to see the next one!
Great block and great fun to make!! Thanks! I posted the photo to flickr!
I just added my block. Everyones blocks look so good. I am glad that I joined this group. I need to practice my piecing skills. Seems I am always appliqueing.
Estoy segura de haberme inscripto de hecho tengo el boton en mi blog, pero por las dudas lo hago otra vez.Me voy a coser!!!!
Un abrazo.
I don't have the real jelly roll I will be using so I improvised with fabrics I hope will go nicely. All those corners to match up, but I did okay. I am happy with the block I made.
cute, cute, cute. printed and ready to be made. can't wait to start.
I would love to win your jelly roll! Count me in! I'm putting your button on my blog now. Trish
On the block instructions, when it says background, then cut it from your background fabric from the supply list.
Yes, you can use fat quarters. They will work just fine.
So excited for this! My instructions are printed; I'm waiting (impatiently) for my background fabric...Plume!
I have looked at the blocks in the Flickr pool, and I think they would all just make one terrific (huge) quilt.
This is too much fun. I will be waiting for the two weeks to be over so I get to make the next block. And I was worried about having time to do it....
How fun. I'm looking forward to doing this quilt along. I'm going to use a home made jelly roll.
Can I please join in the fun?
will be doing "home made" for my jelly roll choice just need a color scheme
Oh can't wait to see what these will look like when they are finished.... so nice... off to sew now.
Hugs Dawnx x
Doggone it!! Here I am, ready to sew up Block One, and I realize I neglected to pick up something for my background fabric!!
Do you all every do that? Now I've got to wait until the fabric arrives in the post!!
Looking forward to seeing all the pretties on flicker! Mine will be there. . . eventually. . .
I'm in, I'm in!!!! I have two jelly rolls at home, now I have to decide which to use...LOL! Thanks for doing this!
I love seeing all the blocks.....can't wait for the next block to come out in two weeks!!!
My SIL just told me about this, and I think it's a great idea! Is it too late to sign up? I'd love to be a part of this. :)
Thanks! :)
I,m in....and so excited too! Never used a jelly roll before; and even have a few friends going to participate after my emailing them. Hoping the jelly roll I ordered gets here in time for me get the first block done! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's too. I am always entertained by how a different choice in fabric can make the same block look so different.
Well, got the block done and posted on flicker - the latter being harder than doing the block :)
I really enjoyed making it, I think it is going to be a very pretty quilt. Thanks for starting the quilt along!!
I think the block you designed is a great block!! I loved making it and thought it was fun! I've posted on flickr. Thanks!
Hi everyone, I cant wait to make this too - happy stitching
I found this a couple days ago and thought it would be great to use some of the 2 1/2" strips I have as scraps...always happy to get the piles down on something pretty. I made the block and am at a loss as to how to post it...can someone help? I'm not real great on posting pics. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Count me in. This is a great way to try new blocks and get a set for a quilt top relatively quickly.
Thank you.
Jean Lazane
Apple Valley, CA
Count me in. This is going to be a great way to get a quilt top together in a fairly short time.
Thanks for doing this.
I'm curious to know how many people signed up.
It's lovely seeing all the different blocks that have been posted!
I'm a bit late to the party, but very excited to participate.
I am starting late i just got the jelly roll today.
Well, the block is done--took an hour or less. My problem now is how to post it. I registered for flickr but I'm not sure what to do now. Blogging is virtually an unknown to me! Help!!! Please!!!
Never mind the plea for help. I figured it out. Don't know if I can do it again, but at least the first one is there. This is going to be fun!
Ok, I'm in too, but will take a few days to do block.
Looks like a scrapy quilt to me. I hope to get started.
Nancy in In
I am really on the late train to hop on board but I will catch up.
I have a jelly roll that was just waiting for the perfect project. It has been in my stash for while now.."Decadent Victorian" by April Cornell.Thanks for doing this quilt along.
I just found this the other day, I am quite excited to join you all!
I am so late, but I'd like to try this!
A question for anyone about the background/sashing fabric requirement, though; do you really need 2.5 yards? It doesn't look like that much on the picture.
off to search stash...
It's 2 yards and actually I don't know if we will need that much, but I didn't want us to be short. It takes a full yard (up to 1-1/4 yard for squaring up and shrinkage). The rest is for background fabric. That gives each designer enough to use as much or as little as they want for their block.
Since the blocks are still a mystery, I was guessing on how much we would need.
Is there a sign up list to notify quilters when the patterns are posted if so please include mime
Thank you!
I'm a little late getting started. I'm new to your blog. I'm excited to start this. Heard about it on Thelma's Cupcakes and Daisies and can't wait to start. How do I sign up? Just by posting my first block?
I'm a little late starting, and just did challenge #1. Must have gone wrong somewhere as I have a 12"block, not a 12 1/2" block. Any suggestions?
I know I'm joining in really late but only discovered this fun quilt-along yesterday... And I rushed out and bought my (first) jelly roll (ever!) and backing fabric today... Can you tell I'm keen?
How do I add a button to my Wordpress blog? Can't wait to get started on block one and start uploading pictures.
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