Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scrappy Hourglass Tutorial

The hourglass is a fun block that is pretty simple to make, and it looks fabulous. It can be used on it's own or as an alternate block. It works great as an alternate block with both simle and complicated blocks.

In this tutorial, I show how to make this hourglass block, and I use it as an alternate block with just a plain square. The finished size of this block is 6", but I explain how to make this same quilt with any size block. It's easy. It is also easy to vary the size of the quilt by increasing or decreasing the number of blocks in the quilt.

Here is a link to the tutorial:

If you make an hourglass quilt, I would love for you to post your pictures on my flickr group that I just set up.

P.S. It really bugs me that the quilt isn't quilted. My quilt machine is broken. (Ughh!) I will take a new picture when the quilt is quilted and bound and washed.

This tutorial was inspired by SewMamaSew's Scrap Buster contest because, "When life gives you scraps, make quilts!"

And now. . . . off to make more quilts!


The Wheelers said...

i'll have to give this one a try one day! right now i'm trying to finish one for owen's birthday, we'll see if it actually gets done. and trina's coming over today to do another one.

Em said...

I just popped over the Selvage Blog and guess what I saw? YOU! That's so cool that she showcased your quilt. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to make one.