If you have made at least ONE block in this Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along, please comment to this post.
If you have a friend who is not computer savvy, and you have been giving her/him instructions, post a comment for that person.
I want to get a better idea of how many have been playing along.
We will have a drawing on Monday, August 30th from all those who have commented to this post.
In the near future, I will be asking for your opinions about what I have planned next so think about this Quilt Along and if you have any feedback for me.
Thanks! Now off to see who my kids have for their teachers this year.
2 days ago
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 206 of 206Played along but backwards..grins..really love how block eleven evolved and that you could calculate yardage under the stress of leaks!! Well done all around!! Thanks for the chance at the drawing!!
I just wanted to let you know that I've been saving these blocks all along - LOVE THEM ALL! - to do when life lets me have some play time again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Kay in NJ
I am working on the last block now, this has been a great journy. I would love to play again some other time
My friend Margrete has also been playing around.
I am almost done with my blocks. It's been fun!
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