Monday, January 9, 2012

The Cutest Block of the Month that I'm Not Doing

My friend April of April Mae Designs who has made a block or two for my quilt alongs is doing a block of the month that just started.  Here's the link to the instructions:

I love how April adds little touches of embroidery to give her blocks personality.  But it is that embroidery that causes me stress.  I even recently tried it again to see if it was as challenging as I thought.  Suffice it to say that there was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Okay, maybe just a lot of grumbling.  I will try it again in a few years, but not today.

It doesn't look like there is a lot of embroidery, so if you have a better relationship with it than I do then you should do her block of the month!

Check it out and see if you like it!


April M. said...

You are too funny. OK, I won't jog and you won't embroider. We've both given it a valiant effort.

The block this month has the most embroidery. Does back stitching really count as embroidery?

Janet O. said...

Just doing some blog surfing and came across your blog. This post made me smile. I don't do any of the "stitchery" projects running rampant in blogland, either. Embroidery is something I used to do, but never loved it as much as I do quilting. So I am not going to sacrifice my quilting time to do more embroidery.
This is a cute block, though--very cute!
Looks like you may be in the Provo area (from your blog list). I'm up in Cache Valley.