How many projects do you work on at one time?
Not how many PIGS (Projects In Grocery Sacks) you have waiting to be worked on, but how many are you actively working on?
I know a few quilters who work on one project until it's done. Only when it is done do they allow themselves to work on another project. I am much more scatterbrained than that. I think right now I have about more projects actively going than at any other time.
1) The rust quilt. I got the blocks pressed Thursday. It's ready to lay out when the kids are preoccupied and won't "help" me.
2) Our Layer Cake sampler.
3) The brown quilt. I got the fabric organized and figured out how to cut it up. Almost started cutting a couple days ago, but pressing the rust quilt took too long. It will be done in less than 2 weeks.
4) A quilt for Quiltmaker. I just found out my block is going to be included in the next Quiltmaker 100 Blocks issue. I said I would make a quilt using the block.
5) Big Game Hunter. This is a pattern I am doing with Northcott. I am currently sewing strip sets together in between sections of other projects.
6) Future fun. Just got some early fabric in the mail. This one isn't due for over a month, so I shouldn't start it yet. I just want to.
7) Another one for my upcoming book that my sister-in-law sewed the blocks for. I am trying to decide if I will try to finish it or ask her to. I don't know if this one counts because I haven't worked on it this week.
8) A guild project. This is a project that I may only work on at guild. It isn't on a time frame. I haven't actually sewed anything yet, but a few blocks are cut out and waiting.
9-10) Two quilt tops waiting to be quilted (by me) for the book. One with some Amy Butler's Love and the other is out of Heather Ross' Far Far Away II.
11-?) Quilts to be bound for the book.
???) Playing with quilt designs on EQ7. These obviously don't count since some of them will never actually be made.
What does "working on" mean? Does it just mean piecing? Maybe. Are any of you as crazy as I am? I bet more than one of you has a longer list than I do. What do you say?
12 hours ago
Oh my list is just as long, but I get bored working only on one at a time. Let's see #1 Layer Cake sampler, waiting for block 9 to be published. #2 Block-A-Palooza quilt along need green for block 5, so 6, 7, &8 are also sitting there waiting. (I like to do them in order, I don't know why)#3 Dorinda's Mystery working on clue 3 ( up to date). #4 Raven's stars working on clue 2. ( up to date) #5 Gayle Bong mystery, just started that one. #6 Roll Roll Cotton Boll, still working on the 60 string blocks, and the 600 HST's for that one.(way behind). #7 Just finished a red and white quilt for the Rainbow Scrappy challenge, working on piecing the back now. #8 finished the last block of a BOM of a red white and black quilt, so now I am working on making a back for it. #9 pulled off a ugly green border off of a snowman quilt, now decidiing do I want to add red or blue instead, and then make the back to coordinate.#10 took a red white blue BOM quilt that I designed to sew on point, and change my mind to make it two smaller quilts instead of one big one, putting them together to donate to our local veterans home.Plus I have 5 quilts sitting in the quilt me now pile, but I have been way to busy piecing all the others, to deal with the quilting part for now. 4 others, that need backs, but haven't touched them this month. At least 12 other UFO's haven't had time to touch yet either. Plus I am making something out of a lot of purple yo-yo's. You can follow a lot of what I am working on at my blog at I try to put a lot of it on there. I have been really really busy. But I love it! I am sure there is something I am missing, but I am not walking up two flights of stairs to see what is on my sewing table.
I agree it is boring to work only on one project! in my list: 2 Layer Cake Quilt Along samplers, a starry quilt, a quilt along project sampler (I'm designing it), pajamas for my daugther, a wall hanging quilt... my list is not as long as yours but I always make sure I'm not working on one project only!
I don't keep count - that would stop me from doing something new!
I have too many to count - but I do go back to them (eventually). When I have whole days to quilt, I usually flit from one thing to another unless I'm on a deadline. I don't like to get bored o:)
Oh my gosh I didn't know there was a name. PIGS. I LOVE it! I don't even know if I can find all my PIGS. I had about 8 at one point before I started adding more.
Countless number on ongoing projects and UFO's...I am hopeless :)
Congrats on being in the new magazine...can't wait for that!
Upon her death, my mother-in-law had at least 50 years worth of unfinished projects that needed to be completed! It has been 9 years and although we gave many away, we still have years to go! I try to have one quilting, one embroidery and one crochet project at a time.
I'm working on two quilts right now... and finished up a Project In Tote this past Friday night. I want to start another but it seems I have a hard time focusing on more than a couple of quilts at a time... *lol* It helps that I'm not involved with publishing... or local quilt guilds, since both meet during the week.
My husband "won't let me" start a new project until I finish the one I am working on (which is probably a good thing).
So, I can only have 3 or 4 projects going before he notices...
To me, "working on" means anything I'm actively doing, not just piecing, can include planning and sorting and collecting fabrics. I usually have 6 to 12 quilt projects going. I have the attention span of a gnat, and I like it that way. There are projects in every stage, and I can pick and choose according to my mood that day, or my time constraints! For me, limiting myself to one project stifles my creativity.
I love to work on several things at once. I even read two or three books at the same time. I think it is just a feature of the female mind. LOL
Too many things on the go... But what else is new. Friday night I did finish up many projects, but yesterday I started more!!! I both sew clothing and quilt so have both on the go...
I like to work on more than one thing at a time because I get bored with just one project. I have very few, if any, deadlines: only the self imposed ones. I am currently working on 5 BOMs (I include the LCQAL even though it comes every two weeks) plus three quilts that need backings and quilting and one UFO that I have been avoiding for about 4 months. And I have one new one brewing, that I will start after the first of the month. See, even without deadlines, I keep pretty busy.
My list is even longer but I don't want to think about it, gives me a head-ache, so I just work on whatever I feel like at the moment,unless I have a deadline to meet, like making a baby quilt for my grand-daughter who is due in March. BTW, had it finished 2 weeks ago, just in time for the shower.
Now back to layer cake sampler, roll roll cotton boll, block a paloosa, civil war blocks, friends of raggedy ann, etc, etc, etc.
Thanks for the layer cake!
I too have several in the works myself; 2 hand applique with another being prepped, 3 I am piecing by machine, 1 I am hand piecing and a whole stack waiting to be sandwiched and quilted, but those will have to wait until I have time and funds!
One day it is my turn writing all UFOs down (nobody will beat me in numbers,I`m sure).
Ok,better just some,as what Gene said, will stop me for starting something new .....
Thanks a lot,Konda:-)
Oh so I am not the only one waiting for Block #9. In fact instead of waiting I am going to work on finishing a scappy quilt I started this summer.
Can someone help me change my email address from gmail to my yahoo mail account. I don't check my gmail as often. I just want to change it on my blog.
Konda - we're so alike! I like you have a bunch of projects int he works! I find it's more interesting to have many irons in the fire...AND usually one project will inspire ideas in or for another. My list is always growing, even when there are some finishes in there!
Where is Layer Cake quilt block #9?
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