Monday, August 22, 2011

Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along

Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along
27 Sep 2011 to 27 Mar 2012

Grab your favorite fat quarters and let's start quilting!

Starting September 27th, every other TUESDAY, instructions for a new 12" block will be posted.  All of the blocks will be star blocks made from fat quarters and some background yardage.  Links to all of the blocks will be on this post, but instructions are first posted on my blog.  Click on the header at the top of this page for the most current posts. 

Each block will be designed by a different person.  Every two weeks there will be a guest blogger on my blog introducing himself or herself and his/her block.  At the end you will have made a fun quilt 65" x 84" (or 74" x 93").

Here's the information you need to get started:

Fabric Requirements:

16 Fat Quarters
3 1/2 yards background and border and sashing fabric
optional 2 yards addional border fabric -- this makes the larger size quilt
5 yards (6 yards for larger size) backing
3/4 yard binding  (for both sizes)

Size of Quilt: 65" x 84"

1)  Will linear quarter yards work?
Not necessarily.  If you want to use yardage, you might want to have half yards just in case.  If you think you need to use quarter yards, you might need to piece a larger block.  You may not need to, but that's the worst that would happen.

2)  When is the first drawing?
The first drawing will be Tuesday, Sep 27. 

3)  Who is entered in the first drawing?
This is new--there are two ways to enter the first drawing.  FIRST, post a comment on this post saying that you are doing the quilt along.  SECOND, post a picture of your fabric on the flickr site.  Technically there will be two drawings, one from the post comments, and one from the flickr pool.

4)  What's the flickr site:
Here's the link:

5)  How do I get entered into the block drawings?
You get entered into the block drawings by posting your block on our flickr site.  The same one from #4.  If you need help getting on flickr, check out my Flickr 101 and Flickr 102 tutorials.
6)  Can I use scraps?

7)  What fabric are you using?
I had a fat quarter bundle of Folklorique by Fig Tree for Moda sitting around.  There were exactly 16 fat quarters in it.  It was asking me to use it.  I said I wanted to buy new fabric, but it convinced me otherwise.  You may not recognize it as Folklorique because it is the wovens from the line.  Sampler quilts are fun to experiment with.  I am using white as my background fabric. 

8)  What's up with all the background fabric?
Consider your background/sashing/border fabric carefully.  There will be a lot of it.  I'm excited about the layout I've drawn up.  I know it can be hard not to have all directions up front.  That's also part of the fun.  It's a mystery quilt--for all of us!

9)  What are the prizes?
All sorts of quilting stuff!  Fabric, patterns, books, etc.  There are always at least two prizes for every drawing.  And I do have another Folklorique wovens fat quarter bundle that will find a new home in this first drawing!

10)  Do I have to have a blog to join?
Not at all, but if you do then

Grab a button, and join the fun!!!

(If you need help grabbing a button, check out my Blogger 101 tutorial.

11)  Where are the patterns?
You will find them right here!  The list below will turn into links when I get the blocks posted.

Block One
Block Two
Block Three
Block Four
Block Five
Block Six
Block Seven
Block Eight
Block Nine
Block Ten
Block Eleven
Block Twelve
Finishing Instructions

12)  Isn't that enough questions already?!?
Probably not.  If you have another question I haven't covered, please ask!  Remember if you post anonymously I can't reply to you.

Anyone interested in designing a block or donating prizes can email me at!

Let the quilting begin!


Nancy D. said...

I look forward to trying this QAL. Thanks for hosting!

Staci said...

I'm in! Stars!! Seriously, how could I refuse??

Linda said...

Love Stars, I'm in!

Loves to Quilt said...

I'm in. I will see if I can get my sister to join as well. Thanks!

gardenpat said...

I'm in!!! Got so much stash and so many FQs to use up!!! This should be great!!

Unknown said...

Of course I will do this one too :o) You say theres a lot of backing and sashing, will white be ok - with bright colours ( ex Soul Blossom) ?

Kate said...

I'm in! I grabbed a bunch of Charlevoix FQs at a sale last month, so I'm ready to go. :)

purtercat92 said...

So looking forward to this one too! I had so much fun on the last one. I'm sure my mom will do it again too! I will have to go find some fat quarters to use up now. Any suggestions on the background fabric? Light/dark?
Thanks for hosting again!!!

Chris said...

I am so in!!

Gari in AL said...

I'm in and I am so glad this is not starting until late Sept. I have had such a great time doing your QALs but this year I over extended with BOMs and they have takenover my quilting life. Oh, and I have almost completed a top from the LCQAL, just needs the outside border and it will be ready to quilt (when I figure out a backing).

krislovesfabric said...

I'm in, just have to pick out some fq's!! Thanks for hosting this QAL.

Bev Brookens said...

I'm in!!! always enjoy a quilt along

Jana said...

Sounds fun! Will need to check my stash for which fq's to use! Thanks for starting another quilt along!

Anita in Florida said...

hmmm...this sounds like a great QAL! I'm thinking about black and white...been wanting to do that color combo for awhile...still thinking...but more intensly!!!

crickets said...

I'm in - so happy to be a part of this QAL. Stars are one of my favorite things to piece and I have the perfect fat quarter pack to use. Can't wait to get started!

stitchingauntie said...

My Mom and I are in too! We've loved the previous QAL and are looking forward to participating in this one too! Always fun, challenging and rewarding!! Thanks again for making this available.

Karen said...

1. Very excited it is stars.
2. Like that it is every other Tuesday.
3. LOVE that you are using Fig Tree.

Now what should I use?!

Jane said...

I'm thinking hard about this!

Judy F said...

Love you quilt-a-longs!!I'm in!!!

Jan said...

I'm in. I've just started doing some QAL's, and I'm looking forward to this one.

Rosemary said...

I'm so excited about doing this. I've not done a QAL. Thanks for the opportunity!!! Stars? Yes!!!

VickiM35 said...

Love, love, love stars! And love your QAL's too. I usually do one scrappy & one not scrappy, but I have some fat quarter collections I've had for a long while now & not used...I think this will be the perfect time to use them. So, no scrappy quilt on this one. I'm excited to see how they will turn out with the two totally different colorwaves I'll be going with. You are so appreciated for doing this again!!!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I am in.......wooo hooo another stars QAL. Your layer cake QAL, was my first, and I have done many since then. Yippeee, off to find fabrics now.

Mariah said...

My computer is being weird so if you didn't get my first saying, then know that I am in!

Tiffaney said...

Sign me up :)

Kate said...

I had such fun with the Layer Cake Quilt along, I can't resist this one. So I'm in.

-girl from the bush said...
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-girl from the bush said...

Hi konda, yes sign me up please. The last one was fun! sue

Maria Teresa said...
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Teresa F. said...

Count me in.I love stars do it looks like i'm going to have lots of fun.

Teresa F. said...
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Sarah said...

Ooh-stars AND 1 block every 2 weeks? I can handle that! Now, to decide on fabrics...I have a set of Sugar Pop FQs, but I might want to use scraps. Very important decisions! ;)

Sunshine said...

I have never done a quilt along before! Yay for firsts! Looking forward to it!

grendelskin said...

I'm in! I've been contemplating an all-pastels for an aunt, and I have exactly 16 FQ's plus a gorgeous background to go with! Thank you for another merry quiltalong!

wolf0129 said...

I can't wait to do this!! I am in!

Hilachas said...

I enjoyed the Layer Cake Quilt-Along and am looking forward to this one. Count me in!

Unknown said...

Stars are my favorite pattern, so count me in

Jeanne Gwin said...

Hey I have to do it, what is one more project going on in my life. I love being under the gun. Count me in. Now, what will I use for fabric. 16 FQ's. Will get back to you on that.

Thanks, J

Cathy said...

Yes, I'm in. Love stars and loved doing your last quilt along!

Rita E in AZ said...

I want to do your stars quilt along, too.

Kim and Jim said...

Ooh, I'm so glad you are doing another quilt-along! I'm excited to use up some fat quarters that have been begging me to use them as well. Yaay!

My World of Kumihimo said...

Me too, Me too! This will be my first anything along ever. Anxious to start 'seeing stars'!

fiddlegirl8 said...

First time for everything! First time leaving a comment on a blog, and first time joining a Quilt Along - sounds fun. I've some local quilting buddies I will have to ask to join me on this!

Tinliz said...

This will be my first QAL.

luvtoquilt said...

Okay, I'm in. I've put an article in our quilt guild newsletter about this, so hopefully I'll get some guild members to join me. As much as I'd love to purchase a fat quarter bundle in one of the fabulous new fabric lines, I'm going to make this one from my stash of 30's fabrics. Can't wait to get started!

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

Can't wait to try my hand at more star blocks. Added your button to my blog {and also went ahead and posted the grab code in case anyone just wants to grab the code; -


Shelley said...

Looking forward to it!

Jackie said...

I have never done a QAL...anything other than what you said that I need to know?
Will a scrappy fat quarter selection work or do you need to have a line?

Leslie can't stop quilting said...

I am in! I always love your QAL's!! I have several fabrics to choose from. This is the only hard part...which ones??

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I'm in, this sounds like fun!

Ramona said...

This would be my first quilt-a-long, but I love stars!

Fran said...

This sounds like fun...I love stars...I am a new quilter...would like to join....thanks for hosting

berylthepearl said...

I sure am planning to join you on this one, loved the last one especially since my sister and I joined in while I was visiting her. We finished up our quilts after I left and they look so totally different. I hope she will does this one too but she's on vacation in Africa so will have to tell her about it when she returns!

amber said...

So excited to participate! now the only question is: use stash fabric or buy new!!

Miki Willa said...

I haven't done a quiltalong before, but I really love stars, so I am going to join this one. I am looking forward to picking out my fabrics now.

Andi said...

I just went shopping! Love stars, love QALs :-)

Kristin Wilson said...

I can hardly wait. I've been anxiously awaiting your next quilt-a-long and stars are my favorite!!

Thank you!

Mama Spark said...

I am looking forward to joining in!

Denise :) said...

Count me in! I've joined the twitter site but I think I need just a tad more time to decide on fabrics! Yay! :)

Cathy said...

I'm in too. I think I have my fabrics chosen, but still not 100% sure.

Anonymous said...

I have been so looking forward to this. Love that you are keeping it one block every two weeks, much easier to keep up with, so I am in. Thanks for hosting yet again, your quilt alongs are such fun. j-j

Phyllis said...

This looks like a great QAL. I love star quilts. Count me in.

StefanieP said...

Sounds fun! I can't wait to start!

Shirley said...

Count me in for the QAL Star Blocks! Shirley

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

I'm in. Sounds like fun.

Pauline said...

Finally decided if I need new fabric or more fabric for a range I already have- so I'm in!

Leah said...

Sounds like fun. I have lots of fat quarters laying around that need some lovin. Count me in.

Lisa McGehee said...

I'm in and picking my fabric now. Can't wait.

Melissa said...

I will be joining in! I think this will be a good use for "Hometown".

Unknown said...

I'm in! Now to find fabric!

Teresa F. said...

I'm in! Just received the package with the fabrics I ordered. I'm looking forward to the 27th.

Anonymous said...

I have lots of red, white and blue fabrics that will work perfect for stars. I am in.

Deb said...

I won a big fat quarter bundle and will probably use that. Thanks for hosting!

Linda said...

I would love to try this out. Can a beginner quilter do these blocks?

knit to unwind said...

I am interested to join the quilt along. Now I am off to pick out the fqs..

Cherise said...

Okay... I'm in! Can't wait! Now to decide what fabrics to use... :)

No TIME for QUILTING? said...

I am joining this!!! Very exciting for me, I love stars! The perfect answer to my search for another star sampler!

Cherise said...

I'm thinking of maybe using a couple of different fabrics for the background & sashing. For me it depends on the layout. When will be see the layout? Thanks! :)

Judy1522 said...

I'm hoping to do this if I get my fabric in time.

Dolly said...

I'm in, I have a bunch of FQ's begging me to do something with them

Dolly in Niagara Falls

Abbybeth said...

I've been thinking I might want to try to do a quilt-a-long and I love star blocks, so I think I'm going to try to keep up with this one!

Marj said...

Just found your quilt along today. and would love to join in. I love stars, now to decide what fabric to use......

Celeste said...

I have my fat quarters all ready and am looking forward to the start of this QAL. It will be fun to work on this while I await our move to Utah!! Thanks for hosting!!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to join in, stars are my favorite and this sounds like fun.

Kathy S. said...

I love your stuff! I will be participating in the string along.

Peacelover2010 said...

Thanks, Konda! I am in! I plan on making two quilts. Pictures of my fabric are posted. I love your QALs!

Lynn said...

I can't wait. count me in.

Barbara Kibler said...

I'm in...looking forward to learning more quilting techniques ...I learned a lot with the last quilt along.

Cathy said...

Great I love your QALs. I am looking forward to this one. Thanks for hosting. I already put your button on my blog. First blog all summer. Guess I gotta get back in the groove.


Unknown said...

I'm in too . my fabric is ordered and now to find my MIA camera (We just moved) to post pictures)

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to doing this - I seem to be a fat quarter hoarder!! Maybe this could help deplete my stash.

Carolyn in SC

patch 9 said...

Sound fun. I would try to put in between all my other projeks, because i love stars and have some fabric being right

Tinliz said...

Sounds like fun. Count me in. Will pick the quarters from my stash over the weekend.

KK said...

I'd love to join this QAL! I have a set of fat quarters from Tula Pink's Prince Charming line that I'll be using.

Linda Big D said...

I am participating. This will be my first quilt-along.

Judy Doren said...

I am excited and ready to sew!

Janie said...

Thanks for hosting another QAL!! I'm in and will probably be using Frolic FQs.

Cindy Ferrell said...

I'm in, I'm in! Can't wait to do this one!

Kimmy B said...

I'm in!!!

nirak59 said...

3rd times a charm.... I'm in again!

Anonymous said...

I am ready!

Sojourner said...

I'm in!

Cotton Blossom said...

Ok, I'm gonna go for it. I love stars and a good challenge.

Darlene said...

Looking forward to this! Now to go raid my fabric stash!!

Shelina said...

It looks like a fun quiltalong. It is so generous of you to share your time and talents - and fat quarters too!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

This will be my first QAL. I love the first block!

Kim West said...

Woot! Another quilt along

Heather said...

I am actually READY on time for a change. I got my fabric last week and I'm good to go. I cannot wait to transform it into star, stars and more stars. I lurv me some stars. I'm using Buttons and Blooms and it is going to be lovely!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE stars...add to that a bunch of other quilters as motivation...what more could a girl want?

Got to go grab some fabric & take some pics. Thanks for organizing/hosting this QAL!

Elder Ty Bulkley said...

Looking forward to doing this QAL. I have never done a QAL! Thanks to my Aunt Kathy Wheeler who told me about it. I better get sewing!

Sara said...

This quilt along will be a lot of fun. Stars are one of my favorite types of blocks. Thanks for hosting.

JWZ1978 said...

I still have to finish my Layer Cake Quilt Along (naughty me!) but I think I may have to join this one as well too!

Ellen B said...

My third Quilt Along! Can't wait to start!

Heather said...

My guild recommended this Quilt Along! I'm excited to get started :)

Helle said...

wow I´m in to this great quilt along...have all the fabrics ready and tomorrow I will make the first block..Can´t wait. Hugs, Helle

Mary Jean said...

This sounds like fun.....especially stars. I love stars. Thanks!

Mary Jean said...

This sounds like fun. I especially like stars! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like so much fun. Thanks for doing this, its great fun to do stars!!!

Linda W said...

Thanks for doing this. This is my first quilt along, and will be my first flicker posting. I love stars.

Lettyb said...

I'm in- I love stars. Anxiously awaiting the first block pattern!

Lynnae said...

I am looking forward to trying this QAL. Thanks of hosting it.

Colleen Lunt said...

I am excited about this quilt along. Thanks for doing it.

Mary Jo said...

Since I just finished the Jelly Roll quilt along this month I am ready to start the Stars quilt along.

Liz said...

Better late than never! This looks like a good QAL to get the creative juices flowing. And I LOVE stars!

Anonymous said...

Just love stars-I'm ready to start this lovely quilt!


Mom C said...

I'm looking forward to this. I'm into stars lately. This should be fun.

Sherry said...

I am going to be gathering fabric and join in on this. I love the first block.

Denise said...

I'm in also, I have my fabric all picked out and plan on posting my block tomorrow

Nicky said...

I so want to join in this QAl using my plaids!

Anonymous said...

IS it too late to start?

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

It is most definitely NOT too late to start! Start any time - until we are finished, of course.

Deb said...

I've participated in your quilt alongs before and LOVE THEM!!! But...this is what I get for getting behind in my blog reading. I had 6 posts piled up to read on Google Reader on your blog. So I'm just finding out about this new quilt along. But I think i can catch up!

Rhonda said...

I would love to participate, I have block one but I can't see a link on the page to block 2. ???

Lesley said...

I'm a late starter...but I have caught up! I made block 1 and will post on Flickr. Thanks so much for spoonsoring this Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along. I had so much fun making the first block! said...

Joining here a little late. Have done 2010 quilt along and loved it.
Thanks !

Rosemary said...

Am so excited to be doing this. Joining a little late but I'm sooo in!! Thank you so much. Joining is the easy part ... what fabric to use is the tough part!! ;) Thank you again!!

Brenda said...

I pinned this QAL onto my Pinterest board so I would remember to come back to it when I had more time to read up. I am going to try and put together 16 fat 1/4 out of my stash but I may have to go shopping. I printed out block 1 but I could not open block 2? I would love to join as soon as I can get everything together!

lynn said...

This is my very first time to do anything quilty on the net. I've been watching a long time but was finally drawn in by your "quilt-along". Thanks for the oppotunity. You can reach me at

Unknown said...

I would like to join the quilt along. I know I am a bit late starting this project but hope to be caught up by the end of next week. I have plenty of fabric and will go scrappy as I love scrappy stars.

Unknown said...

I would like to join the quilt-a-long. I realize that I am late starting but I am hoping to be caught up by the end of next week. I am planning to do a scrappy star quilt as I have lots of fabric. I will post my blocks as I get them made.

Helen said...

I’d like to say how much I really enjoy your blog so I’m giving you a chance to pick up the Versatile Blogger award by visiting my blog at

gi quilt said...

Block 11 and I have a love, luv, hate, LOVE, LOVE!!! relationship

Love how this blocks looks
Luv easy flip and sew
hate how I could not make all points match, but it worked out!
LOVE finished block
LOVE!!! this Quilt-A-Long Kondra
I am hooked, thanks to all the designers!

Jeanne said...

Looks like fun!

Debbi2323 said...

I very much want to make this quilt. It may not happen immediately, but in the near future.

Debbi2323 said...

I cannot make this quilt right now but I do want to make it soon.

Sharon said...

Never done one of these and I am late starting this one. I hope I have blending fat 1/4s

lindak21 said...

Thank you for all these lovely star block patterns. The joy of Pinterest - they've been discovered again!